A Simple Strategy for UV Unwrapping in Cinema 4d

  1. Do any of the standard projections work for you?
    1. Yes
      1. Do you need to deform your model?
        1. Yes
          1. Select your model
          2. Make it editable, if it isn't already
          3. Select the texture tag applied to your model
          4. Object > Generate UVW Maps
        2. No
          1. Congratulations, you don't need UV Maps.
    2. No
      1. Looks like you need to UV Map your model
  2. UV Mapping Quickstart
    1. Select your model
    2. Workspace > BP UV Edit
    3. Texture Window > UV > Show UV Mesh
  3. Break Up Your Model into Parts
    1. Select Edges Between Parts with:
      1. Edge Loop Select
      2. Path Select
      3. Phong Break Select
    2. Select Parts/Chunks with:
      1. Fill Select
      2. Phong Break Select
    3. Save Parts to Selection Sets
      1. Select > Set Selection
      2. Give it a meaningful name
      3. Hide the selected polygons
    4. Save your seams
      1. Select any edges/seams that need to be cut
      2. Select > Set Selection
      3. Name: Seams
    5. For Each Part
      1. Select Part w/ by double clicking on Selection Tag
      2. In UV Polygon Mode
        1. UV Manager > Projection > Most appropriate mode