How to model a jet

Prep Work

  1. Create a cube.
  2. Create a HyperNURBS Object.
  3. Drag the cube into the HyperNURBS object in the Object Manager.


  1. Lengthen the cube along the Z axis by dragging out the orange dot.
  2. Make the cube editable (Press the C key).
  3. With the “Live Select” tool, select the two polygons on the long sides. (Remember: shift adds to a selection and ctrl removes)
  4. Extrude Inner for the intakes
  5. Extrude out until the intakes are roughly square at the front.


  1. Extrude inner to separate the wings.
  2. Extrude out the wings.
  3. Normal scale to make the wing tips smaller.
  4. Move the wing tips back on the Z-axis.
  5. Use Extrude Inner to harden up the tips of the wings.


  1. Select the polygon on the front of the jet.
  2. Extrude & Normal scale to create the nose.
  3. Extrude once slightly, and then again longer to pull out the spike on the nose.


  1. Use the Knife tool in Loop mode to split the top of the jet in half.
  2. Select the top-front polygon
  3. Use the Bevel tool to build up the canopy/cockpit.


  1. Select the top-back polygon.
  2. Extrude inner to make it smaller.
  3. Extrude out the Tail Wing.
  4. Again, use normal scale and the move tool to make it smaller and shift it back.
  5. Use extrude inner to harden up the shape.


  1. Select the two square polygons opposite the nose.
  2. Extrude Inner 1/4 of the size of the square.
  3. Extrude back along the Z-Axis into the body of the jet.
  4. Extrude in the opposite direction out beyond the starting polygons.(bring the intakes back out)
  5. Normal Scale to make the intakes "turbines" smaller.