Day 01: Basic Navigation & Modeling with Primitives

Learning Goals

  1. Find the course Website, Slack, and Assignment Submission Document

  2. Download & Install the Cinema 4D Trial

  3. Apply for a Student License

  4. Describe the goals of the course.

  5. Meet at least two other students in class.

  6. Contact another student for help with homework, missing assignments.

  7. Name the three Axes of 3D space.

  8. Place objects with numerical coordinates.

  9. Predict where an object will move when coordinates are updated to different values.

  10. Name the three axes of rotation in Cinema 4D.

  11. Name different types of primitives.

  12. Modify simple primitives.

  13. Apply simple colors to objects.


Note: The exact timing and topics covered may shift

Course Overview (9:00am-9:30am)

  1. Download & Install Demo if you haven't yet

  2. Attendance

  3. Wait List / Sign Up Info

  4. Apply for a Student License. Be sure to include screenshots that prove current enrollment at CalArts.

School Enrollment

Class Schedule

  1. Review Syllabus

  2. Meet & Greet

    1. "3 Uncommon Things in Common" x 2

      1. Find someone you don't know well.

      2. Find 3 uncommon things that you hold in common.

      3. Share w/ the class

      4. Contact Info Exchange

  3. Q&A

Slack & Google Sheet Assignment (9:30am-9:45am)

  1. Register for CalArts C4D Slack

  2. Course Slides

  3. Make a Mood Board of Work that Inspires You under the CalArts_2019_Fall_C4D_wk01_CW_MoodBoard

Viewport Navigation / Camera Movement (10:45am-11:15am)

  1. Open the Beach - Low Poly Scene in the Content browser

  2. Practice orbiting around the scene.

  1. Still Images of Scene

    1. Open up "GI (Red and White Room).c4d" from your content library

    2. Frame the viewport in an interesting way

    3. Take a screenshot of that (Cmd + Shift + 4)

    4. Create a new post on your blog

      1. Title: Day 01 In Class: Viewport Navigation

      2. Content:

        1. The screenshot you just took

Modeling with Primitives (11:15am-11:45am)

  1. Watch: "Primitives" by the Guerrilla CG Project

  1. Technique: Adding and Moving / Scaling / Rotating Objects

  2. Technique: Modifying Primitive Properties



  1. Watch and follow along with the Party Bot Tutorial (~2hrs)

  2. Model a character using primitives (Cube, Cone, etc), add colors (using the Standard Material), pose the character, and compose a shot. (~2.5hrs)

  3. Model an additional character and/or fill out your character's environment with models you create using primitives. (~1.5hrs)


Screenshots (or renderings) of:

  1. Party Bot (Based on following the tutorial)

  2. Your Character (Modeled from your imagination or a reference image)

  3. Additional Character and/or First Character + Environment

Suggested filenames:

  • CalArts_2020FallC4D_Wk01_Character_v01

Due: By the start of our next class session on your course projects blog.


  1. Open our classes Shared Google Drive folder.

  2. Navigate to the Dailies folder.

  3. Navigate to this week's folder.

  4. Add a folder with your FirstnameLastname

  5. Drop in your work.

Recommended Reading/Viewing

  1. Party Bot, Part 01: Introduction and Overview [Party Bot: Making a Basic Character with Primitives] - Cineversity Training and Tools for Cinema 4D