Gimble Text

Examine the Scene

  1. Open “GimbleText_Finished.c4d” to see what we’re doing
  2. Then open “GimbleText_Start.c4d”

Build the Text

  1. Add an Extrude NURBS object
  2. Drag the null containing the paths into the Extrude NURBS object.
  3. Select the extrude NURBS object
  4. Attributes Manager > Object > Hierarchical = On
  5. Attributes Manager > Object > Movement = 0, 0, 200

Prepare the Text for MoGraph

  1. Add a fracture object | Mograph > Fracture
  2. Drag the Extrude NURBS object into the Fracture object
  3. Select the Fracture object
  4. Attributes Manager > Object > Mode = Explode Segments and Connect

Add an Effector to Prepare the Type for Animation

  1. Add a Plain Effector | MoGraph > Effectors > Plain
  2. Attributes Manager > Parameter > Position = Off
  3. Attributes Manager > Parameter > Rotation = On
  4. Attributes Manager > Parameter > Rotation.H = 90
  5. Attributes Manager > Falloff > Shape = Linear
  6. Attributes Manager > Falloff > Orientation = +X
  7. Attributes Manager > Falloff > Invert = On

Animate the Effector

  1. Move the Plain effector to Position -6300, 0, 0
  2. Keyframe the position (F9)
  3. Move the time-slider to frame 90
  4. Move the plain effector to Position 6300,0,0
  5. Keyframe the position (F9)
  6. Adjust Falloff to taste

Extension Activity #1:

Try to recreate this silhouette effect using a MoText object instead of a Extrude/Fracture/Spline setup.

Extension Activity #2:

Using the MoText from Extension 1, see if you can get the letters to start out so small that they're invisible, and then pop up into place.

Extension Activity #3:

Animate the text in two stages, one where they start small and pop up into place quickly, then once they're all in place, have them slowly rotate so that they're facing the camera.