How to animate an object along a path

  1. Add a spline object to your scene. You can use any preset spline, or draw your own with the freehand spline tool.
  2. Add an object you want to animate. From this point on, it will be referred to as Cone because that’s what I chose.
  3. Select the Cone.
  4. In the Object Manager, choose Tags->Cinema 4D Tags->Align To Spline
  5. In the attributes manager click on the picker next to the “Spline” field. Click on the spline object in the objects manager.
  6. Ctrl-Click on the “Position” parameter in the attributes manager. This will set a 0% key on frame 0.
  7. Advance your time-slider to the final frame of your animation (probably frame 90).
  8. Set the “Position” parameter to 100% in the attributes manager.
  9. Ctrl-Click on the gray dot to the left of the “Position” parameter to add a second keyframe.
  10. Press Play.