Comic, Sans Paper

Make sure you've done My Favorite Story first so you know how to manage Google Slides!

Worth up to 20 extra credit points!

You're going to make a comic book! However, you don't have any paper. So, instead, you're going to make an animated comic book that runs entirely automatically in Google Slides!

Your job is to create a motion comic that contains at least two characters and at least four slides. Each of the slides should run automatically using animations. There should be no need to click the mouse except to change from one slide to the next. Each slide should contain at least 8 animations at minimum. 

This comic book can be about superheroes, or it can be something more mundane--a love story, a historical record, anything--keep in mind that comic books are a wide and varied genre!

You can take the characters from Google Image Search (and, if necessary, edit them in Paint.NET).

To see my example, click here. To view the rubric, click here.