The Good Citizen Newscast

Let's Be Good Citizens!

Chances are, you've seen a news program before, and noticed several segments on it, such as:

Now, we're going to use the skills we've picked up in order to create a newscast of our own based around the idea of Digital Citizenship.

This can be about any part of digital citizenship that we've talked about, including last year's topics. That includes cyberbullying, personal/private information sharing, plagiarism, online identity, broadcasting too much on the internet, safe online talk, your online code, or offline meetings!

You and two or three teammates are going to work to tape several segments of a newscast and edit them together. These segments will have the look of a news program, but will be focused around the idea of Digital Citizenship and being a good citizen online. You and your partners will each choose one of the segments mentioned above (main story, sports, weather, field report) and film a section of the newscast. Then, you'll independently edit the segments before sending them to one person in order to simply join them together. 

Here's the process:


Links and Stray Observations: