Begin the Game

We've just taken a few days to complete the Pong Hour of Code activity over at Scratch (if you haven't for some reason, check it out!) Now, I'd like you to take another few days to "conquer" that information. Become a master of something by using experimentation!

Take your old game, and do some of the following things to it:

  • Make the paddle controllable by the arrow keys instead of the mouse

  • Make the ball bounce at a random angle from the paddle instead of 180 degrees. (Make sure the angle is still manageable--maybe between 160 and 200 degrees?)

  • When space is pressed, add another ball that moves in a different direction than the first

  • Make the game playable by two people at one time (two different playable sprites)

  • Add a title screen that appears before the game (so that no sprites are visible until it disappears)

  • Add blocks at the top of the screen that "break" when the ball runs into them. When all blocks are broken, the game ends.

  • Add a timer that ends the game and then displays "You win!" or "You lose!" depending on the amount of points scored

In order to receive twenty points on this mini-assignment, two of the above must be completed. However, for each that you are able to complete above the second, you will receive 5 bonus points. Finish all seven satisfactorily? Forget 45, I'll give you a whopping fifty points! Go out there and get creative!

Begin the Game expl.docx