Pixel Artistry

In this assignment, you're going to be creating three pieces of pixel art through a program called PixilArt, and blend them together using Paint.NET! These skills will eventually be transferable to our wrap-up project at the end of the year, in which we'll make an entire video game from scratch!

You can find out more ways to use PixilArt by watching this (relatively calming!) video on YouTube. It's a fairly simple program to use. Once you're done with that, check out my video on how to combine pieces together in Paint.NET. You'll need to do that to get full credit for the assignment.

To determine what you have to draw, please consult the chart below with your initials:

First/Middle Name Objects

If you want to switch out one of these three, that's fine. And if you have more or fewer initials that that, come see me!

So, for example, as my initials are SWA, I should be drawing a sloth and a watermelon in an airport! However, I've switched out a sloth for a walrus (because I can switch one of the three).

As far as canvas presets, make the animal 64x64, the item 32x32, and the background 100x100!

Check out the examples below and take some time to do this well! Here's the rubric for this assignment.

Things to remember:

  • Make sure to save your work as a .pixil file at the end of each day! That assures that the file will stick around and be able to be modified the next day. The website's autosave feature doesn't always work super well!