My Links

Here are some links to get you moving in class! 

For Fun (And Practice!):

Desert Typing Racer

Race through the desert, but be sure to type the letters above the car before you crash!

Type Racer

Get matched up with other racers all across the country. Type famous quotes from books and movies. Compete and have some fun!

Zombie Defender

Defend your hometown from zombies by typing to destroy them! Earn powerups for an even more impenetrable defense.

Keyboard Ninja

Do you like Fruit Ninja on your iPad? Then you'll love this take on it! 

Martian City Defender

Save the Martian colony from unidentified flying laser beams.

Dance Mat Typing / Keyboard Revolution

Get your fingers ready for the groove and type your favorite dancing moves.

10 Fast Fingers

Compete with others, do tests on your own, and create private typing matches! 


Shoot down opposing spaceships with your typing skill! Get a high score!

Timed Typing Test

Type as quickly and accurately as possible. If you make a mistake, you can use the backspace key to correct it. Challenge your friends to see who's best!


Have you ever played Battleship? Well, the Google Sheets version is here, so grab a friend and marvel at the incredible stuff that Sheets can do!

Google Drawing Chess

Play chess with someone else in the room with Google Draw! Just make sure to make a copy of the document in order to follow the steps on the right side!


Think you can guess what words are associated with one another and type quickly? TRY YOUR SKILL! (Beat my high score of 6790!)

Google Drawing Sheets

It's similar to Battlesheets, above! Play a game against an opponent while you're both in your own seats! Witness the power of Google Drawings!

City Guesser

GeoGuessr may be blocked at school, but this is a fun social studies-related guessing game!

For This Class:

Typing Lessons

Here are the typing lessons we'll be using for class. These lessons will help you to type effectively and speedily!

Dictionary & Thesaurus

Merriam-Webster Online Search

Google Drive

You will need this tool for all of your cloud-based activities.

Student Music Drive

Here you can find all of the instrumental music that we can use in class for our projects.

Student Pictures

Looking for your mug (or a friend's)? Here it is!

Google Images

An excellent site for finding pictures to use from the Internet.


An online picture editing tool, pixlr can't do everything Paint.NET can do, but it can ape most of the functions. Use this tutorial in order to understand the basics of how to use it. Unfortunately, it can't accept .pdn files, but flatten your pictures down to a .png, and you should be able to use pixlr just fine in order to finish your photo editing assignments at home.


WordArt not enough for you? You want different fonts and cool gradients? Check out this site, with over a hundred different text/graphic mashups to check out! WOW!

RhymeZone or b-rhymes

Writing a song for Rap It Up? It never hurts to have some sweet rhymes...

Freesound (login: alexanderclass, password: student), Wavsource, Wavcentral

Search for sounds. Preview them. Download them. Use them in your projects.


Convert text to speech instantly on this site. You can play back the audio, download it, or embed it on a blog or website.


Make a video game all on your own with MIT's Scratch programming language! If you're the "programmer/developer/designer" in the Playing Is Fun, Creating Is Rewarding unit, you'll be using this site a lot.

MIT App Inventor

Ooowee, we're making apps! This is a blast! Android-based apps are where it's at, and we're trying to create them.

Citation Machine

This website is what you will use to create the citations for the Certificate of Recognition document. Be sure to use the APA format!

Web 2.0 Tools

A HUGE list of awesome Web 2.0 tools and fun activities! This might be a great opportunity for that DIY extra credit on the extra credit page...

Online Convert

Convert YouTube videos to mp4 format to use in your projects. All it takes is the video's URL, which is easy to grab from Google!


Remove the background from any picture! Super useful for getting those transparent images!

Slides Carnival / Slides Gala

Import new, interesting themes for your Google Slides presentations. Make them fun, engaging, and evocative!