Web Portfolio

You have accomplished so much this year. Be proud of yourselves! Your projects were excellent and deserve special recognition. You can get this recognition by posting up your projects in a public setting: a website that you make yourself!

You will be creating a new website with Google Sites by going to: http://www.google.com/sites. Make it look professional, clean, and ready to be used. 

Your website must include the following:

An "introductory" page that includes: 

A "portfolio" page that includes:

A "future" page that includes:

A "links" page that includes:

Misc. necessities for your website: 

As for an example--check out this webpage! It's not exactly in the same format as the webpage you'll be creating (there's no "future page," for example); however, it's got pictures, embeds, subpages--all the same things that you'll need in order to have a successful website! Poke around and take a look at everything!

Here's a great student example!

And here's another!