Personal Branding Project

For this final project (!!!), we're going to create a personal brand for ourselves, including a logo, color scheme, QR code, and single sheet stylized summarization of our skills. Here are the individual parts and how they all tie together:


Based on the skills learned in class, you're going to choose 3-5 colors from the Pantone color picker. (Click this link, sign in through Google, and skip their survey.) Download the palette when you are finished. Add this palette to the Google Doc for the assignment. These will be the colors you'll use on both your logo and in the background of your Single Sheet.


Based on the tutorial we've watched, you're going to create a logo. This can be a simple logo or a combined/additive logo. It should use a combination of the colors from the Pantone color picker. The logo should be on a 2000x2000 pixel canvas at minimum. It may be any shape you'd like (aside form the boring default square/rectangle shape)! It can be your initials, first name, or even a random word!

Please remember the fonts used for your logo! Log them on your Google Doc.

If you need to figure out how to take your Pantone colors into your logo, please watch this short tutorial about the color picker.

Please drop this logo onto the Google Doc when it's complete.


Publish your Web Portfolio. On the published page, right click and then press "Create QR code for this page." Download the resulting QR Code.


Now that everything is complete, please create a canvas on Paint.NET with the dimensions 8.5x11 inches. Create a background for this single sheet that is composed from at least two of your Pantone colors in a gradient. Please then add your logo, your QR code, and the following from the skills worksheet that we accomplished near the beginning of the assignment:

Remember to highlight these! Make them big, bold, and noticeable. These are skills that are going to get you hired!

You must also keep track of the fonts used in your Single Sheet and log them onto your Google Doc.

Please then also add:

Make sure it's highly legible and that your website is published, then submit both this Single Sheet and the Google Doc for a final grade!

If you need to figure out how to take your Pantone colors into your background, please watch this short tutorial about the color picker.

Below, please find my examples and the rubric for the assignment. Good luck, and thanks for completing all of the assignments in the class! You rock!

Google Docs example

Single Sheet example

Personal Branding - Rubric