It's Alive!

5 Points

Make sure you know how to use Paint.NET (Adventure Image or You're The Star!) before you do this assignment!

You're going to use Paint.NET to, carefully and in a detailed manner, grab a classmate's eyes, nose, and mouth and paste them onto any inanimate object to create a living, breathing, horrifying creature. Animate your washing machine! Breathe some life into your sandwich!

At the minimum, you should have six different layers in your piece of art (eye, eye, nose, mouth, object, background). However, you are more than welcome to have as many layers as you'd like! Be sure that the cropping around the facial features is close and careful, however; you will receive reduced (or no!) points is the cutting is sloppy.

Remember: For this project, it is likely that you will be using a lot of the lasso tool! Become familiar with it! And don't forget to ask permission from a classmate for use of their picture!

An example is attached.

Can I do this extra credit from home?: MAYBE (can you download Paint.NET on your computer? Do you have a similar image modification program?)