Abigail N. Palella

Embracing diverse gifts in christian Leadership

Major: Christian Ministry

Hometown: Lake Orion, MI


This project will examine the question: “How can Christian ministries embrace diverse gifts in leadership?”. Before identifying what actions need to be taken, it is essential to clarify the reason to embrace diverse gifts. Three areas in the Christian tradition will be consulted: Theology, Scripture, and Church History. The project analyzes the question through the lens of the doctrine of the Trinity, the model of the Body of Christ, and the Quaker tradition. The Trinity reflects an interdependence, in which all persons respect and rely on one another. All are equal and submit to each other. The Body of Christ venerates diversity and acknowledges all types of gifts, encouraging all to work together to contribute to a whole. The Quaker tradition proclaims equality among all people and implements practices that value all participants equally. These sources reveal the importance of interdependence and mutuality; therefore, it becomes clear that Christian leadership should reflect the diversity of the Christian God, honoring a variety of gifts as mutually beneficial.