Nancy A. Miller

Psychology Capstone

Major: Psychology

Hometown: Eaton Rapids, MI


Increased levels of cortisol resulting from stress have been shown to cause health problems. This survey focused on gathering information about the things that helped fellow students to reduce stress. According to the results of the study, students found the resiliency to reduce the stress from the Covid-19 pandemic. This study determined the year of the students, and if they were students during the spring of 2021 at Rochester University. Students ages 18 and over completed the survey with particular focus on the activities they did to reduce stress. A self-created questionnaire used for the survey focused on feelings, hobbies and habits. Two questions were provided to write in things that were important to students in case they were not able to feel fully understood by survey questions that were asked. Fourteen questions in total were provided with six of the questions being demographically based open-ended questions and six were Likert based scale. The results showed that the students had the ability to adapt and continue classes by using stress-relieving activities.

Miller, Nancy survey.xlsx
Miller, Nancy activity stats.docx