Michelle Lea Filion

Women in Charismatic Leadership Roles

Major: Strategic Leadership

Hometown: Berlin, MI


Women have made great strides toward closing the gender bias gap in leadership. History of preconceived notions defining the differences between men and women started early in the workplace. Women were excluded from leadership organizations based on preexisting stereotypes. With the turn of the century, women advanced to leadership roles, leading with the traditional style of Transactional and Collaborative leadership, which focuses on supervision and organizational and performance standards. This work reviews the alternative Charismatic approach, focused on the six building blocks of personal charisma which is a combination of social and emotional skill, not often highlighted. This style of leadership has not traditionally been led by women in positions of authority. It is the ability to lead with trustworthiness, empathy, and connection. The 21st century has taught women to find the right balance in their Leadership skills. The impact of Patty McCord, Human Resource Executive of Netflix, and CEO Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook will also be highlighted showing their contribution to the change in the stereotypes of women in leadership.

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