Stephanie A. Melchert

Changing Professional Development with P.A.I.R.

Major: Early Childhood Studies

Hometown: St. Clair Shores, MI


The PAIR Program (P.A.I.R: Professional Education/ Advancing Teachers/ Inspiring Leaders/ Relevant Training) is a grant for the Learn and Play Childcare Center to improve the quality of the childcare program by creating individualized professional development plans for the staff members at the center. The funding of $28,595 from this grant will be used to cover consultation fees, professional development training, and the cost of attendance to an early childhood conference. The twenty-five staff members will participate in thirty hours of quality training programs that are based on their needs and interest levels with an individual spending amount of $1,000 per staff member. Staff members will be assessed in areas where they need more training and will be matched with relevant training after consultation from behavior consultant, Beth Pierson and behavior analyst, Liz Starrett. Grant funding will cover $3,000 for consultation fees. The conference will be attended by all staff members using an organization fee of $595; staff members will pick spotlight sessions that meet their individualized professional development plan area. High quality programs rely on quality teachers to provide the best care and learning environment for students in the program. This program will gear professional development to meet the needs of the families, children, and educators by letting the teacher guide their own professional development. Educators will create professional development plans to include interests of the children, needs of the classroom, and ways to build relationships with families. This allows teachers to make choices about training and steer the path that their development takes to enhance their professionalism.

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