Sandra J. Hunter

Fine Arts = Balanced Education: Growing Learning Through the Arts

Major: Early Childhood Studies

Hometown: Sterling Heights, MI


The Brooklynn Heights Primary School is consistently seeking innovative ways to reach and impact at-risk students in a positive way. The school currently has a high enrollment of children determined to be at risk for developmental delays due to Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, language barrier issues, and sensory processing disorders. Educational experiences that include fine arts such as music and drama can reach these students in a positive way helping to increase their abilities, thinking, and connections. The grant funds of $10,000 would be used for the addition of a fine arts program including an instructor for music, art, and drama along with musical instruments, and art and drama materials. The Fine Arts = Balanced Education: Growing Learning through the Arts project will benefit all of the children enrolled in this primary school. Children are more connected when they enjoy what they are doing. The project will begin by collecting current assessments and observations of all children and then comparing those outcomes to the same assessments at 60 and 90 days. The school anticipates that it will see an increase in student attendance, math scores, literacy, and participation by adding fine arts instruction and materials with the grant funding.

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