Taylor Lynn Vranish

How Art & Music are being Utilized to reduce stress levels in trying and traumatic Times

Major: Psychology

Hometown: Macomb, MI


The right combination of art and music together can lead to the reduction of stress, which can ultimately lead to people living longer, happier, and healthier lives. Stress has a high link to health problems, both mental and physical. The overall atmosphere of 2020 during the SARS- CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic was highly draining and traumatic to almost everyone, especially front-line workers who were required to maintain working functionality in work environments with continually elevated stress levels due to the high demands of people in need. The purpose of this study was to assess how art and music could be used to reduce stress in participants, particularly those ages 18-60 working throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey was designed to provide an experience of lowering stress levels and create a sense of relaxation. The mood change in participants was measured by the completion of a survey that was similar to the Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9), a depression module. Baseline mood was collected, followed by three short video clips showcasing artistic imagery with added music, ending with a final evaluation in mood. The results showed a positive correlation between the exposure to audiovisual arts and stress reduction. Based on these results, development of an application that could be played by those undergoing stressful situations, such as a virtual art therapy experience, is proposed. Art therapy is a topic that has been examined but not particularly in those who have experienced a crisis like that of COVID-19. An accessible and affordable application would put a simplistic stress reduction tool in the hands of suffering individuals.

Vranish, Taylor poster.pdf