How does the Sun Interact Differently with Different Earth Materials?


Students used what they learned about how the Sun transfers energy through heat and light to design, plan, and conduct their own experiments to answer the question How does the color of the Earth Material effect how the Sun interacts with that material? Some students test how colored filters affected plant growth, others tested if different colored containers affected plant growth, water temperature, or soil temperature.


Measurement Conversion & Fraction Operations:

  • How can patterns help us multiply and divide by powers of 10?

  • How do we convert measurements to solve problems?

  • How do we add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators to solve problems?

  • How can we create line plots with fractional measurement data and use them to solve problems?

  • How does the idea of multiplication as scaling help us reason about fraction multiplication?



Geometry & The Coordinate Plane

  • How do we locate points on a coordinate grid?

  • How can we classify triangles and quadrilaterals based on angle measurements and side lengths?

  • When given a rule, how can we generate, identify, and graph relationships between corresponding terms in two patterns?

  • How do we represent and interpret real world and mathematical problems on a coordinate grid?



