How to use NIHR Learn

This page provides information about NIHR Learn. It is for all health care professionals who are interested in becoming research active or who already are.

You can access all courses offered on CRN East of England's NIHR Learn page. NIHR Learn is our online Learning Management System and the platform we use to deliver our accredited learning programmes.

How to access NIHR Learn

You can sign up for an account by following this NIHR Learn Registration User Guide.

If you have any technical issues with NIHR Learn, please see the NIHR Learn Help Section for additional guidance.

You can bookmark this page on your browser for easier access in the future. To bookmark a page on Google Chrome, you can press [Ctrl] + [D] and then select where the bookmark is kept.

How to update my profile on NIHR Learn

You can update your user profile by clicking the circle in the top right corner on NIHR Learn.

This Guide to Updating NIHR Learn Profile explains how you can complete specific fields on your profile page. 

Changing email address for NIHR system logins

Some of our Partner Organisations have changed their site email addresses. Here is a Guide to changing your email address 

Navigating an NIHR eLearning package

Some of the NIHR eLearning packages may signpost you to websites that provide further information on the topic. 

The video on the right explains how you can navigate between an eLearning package and a separate browser window.

Navigating an eLearning package.mp4

Further Research Learning

The NHS Research and Development Forum is a professional network for those working in research management and R&D offices across health and social care in the UK:

The forum provides access to a range of training to support the development of R&D staff:

CRN East of England Glossary

Please follow the link to view a glossary that our team has created, containing useful terms, including acronyms, programmes, and locations, which relate directly to research delivery within the East of England. This glossary is regularly updated, so if you have any suggestions or questions please contact 

Yearly Training Reports

This infographic provides a visual representation of learner activity, feedback and the new courses released during 2023/24 by the Workforce Development & Training Team. Click in the top right corner of the image for a full screen view of the report. 

23_24 Training Report.pdf

For any enquiries, please contact us on

Delivering research to make patients, the NHS and social care, better