
Students sign up for table tennis to have fun, to learn and to improve their skills. 

Two groups of level can be formed in the first sessions in order to optimize the teaching.

The first group trains with a view to progressing through the acquisition of the fundamentals (rules of play in singles and doubles, holding and orientation of the racket, control of the ball, production of targeted trajectories, serves, placement and movement). Participation in internal tournaments. Progress also through the pleasure of the game and confrontation.

The second group trains for performance. Improvement of technical and physical skills (ball touch, production of backspin and topspin, side spin and use of the flip, speed of play, rhythm, variations) but also of strategic and tactical skills (game patterns, offensive or defensive game profile). Participation in school tournaments and competitions in their age category.

Who, when and where?


Les élèves s’inscrivent au tennis de table pour prendre du plaisir, s’initier, se perfectionner dans l’activité. 

Deux groupes de niveau peuvent être constitués dans les premières séances afin d’optimiser l’enseignement.

Le premier groupe s’entraîne dans une optique de progrès par l’acquisition des fondamentaux (règles de jeu en simple et double, tenue et orientation de raquette, contrôle de la balle, production de trajectoires ciblées, services, placement et déplacement). Participation à des tournois internes. Progresser aussi par le plaisir du jeu et de la confrontation.

Le deuxième groupe s’entraîne dans une optique de performance. Amélioration des compétences techniques et physiques (touché de balle, production des effets back spin et top spin, side spin et utilisation du flip, vitesse de jeu, rythme, variations) mais aussi des pôles stratégiques et tactiques (patterns de jeu, profil de jeu offensif ou défensif). Participation à des tournois scolaires et compétitions dans leur catégorie d’âge.

Qui, Quand et Oû?

Friendly Training with UWC 18/05/23

We were happy to welcome UWCSEA during hour training.

The students were able to test their skills against new opponent during single and double matches.

Internal Tournament 22/12/10

Fun, emotions and beautiful games: IFS Table Tennis - Friendly Tournament. Saturday, 10th of December 2022:

Our Table Tennis section players met this weekend for the first tournament of the year, in front of their parents, spectators and enthusiastic supporters.

For this internal tournament, the priority remained a moment of exchanges and pleasure.

It is never easy to go from confrontations made during training to a real tournament competing for a trophy or a place of honor.

Congratulations to all the players for the quality of their game, the courage shown and the management of disappointments, sometimes.

The matches followed one another for 3 hours starting from a multi-match phase called 'Round robin' to a final elimination contest phase.

Congratulations to our champions !

In U13:

Winner: Kenzo Ruffier

Runner up: Elio Bonnet

Third place: Gabriel Bonnet

Fourth place: Hamilcar Sousa Lobo

In U15:

Winner: Neil Geeraerts

Runner up: Lucas Tran

Third place: Stanislas Boone

Fourth place:  Paul Gondard

For the next step, we are looking forward to arranging a friendly competition against another international school during the second term.