Mandarin Mother tongue

CE2 - CM1 - CM2


3.35pm - 5.05pm

780 SG$ (Annual)

What's this about ?

Language: Mandarin

Period: Annual

Reserved for native speakers. (母语为中文的学生开设)

Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world. (中文是世界上使用最多的語言)

We will reinforce the basics in Chinese language, with the help of teaching aids, stories, poems and songs in order to strengthen oral expression and character knowledge. (在原有中文基础上提升水平,可能会以某本教材为辅助,通过故事、诗歌、歌曲提高口语水平,也会增加汉字学习的内容)

Parents will be invited to the open house at the last session.

Who's the instructor ?