
Improvisation is the perfect AES for young people looking for an activity to relax, gain self-confidence, develop their reactivity and explore their creativity!

The aim of this course is to introduce students to theatrical improvisation in a reassuring and caring environment. Each exercise is adapted to the needs of the students, allowing them to really work on themselves, while having lots of fun!

Sessions are divided into three parts: a game-based warm-up, some specific exercises and then group improvisations.

Through the various games and exercises, students will learn the basics of improv while developing an "improviser's attitude", i.e. knowing how to listen attentively, learning to let go, expressing themselves with confidence, being able to react quickly.

Exercises take place in a safe environment that encourages concentration, fun and above all... the right to make mistakes! The year will end with an Improv Cabaret, where we'll present a variety of improvised scenes and games seen in class, with nothing rehearsed in advance... In improv, nothing is predefined, but everything is possible!

It's a wildly entertaining adventure in which you're all invited to take part!

An ideal activity for getting to know each other, developing listening skills and inventiveness, all in a safe environment!

Who, when and where?


L'improvisation est l'AES parfaite pour les jeunes qui cherchent une activité pour se détendre, gagner en confiance en eux, développer leur réactivité et explorer leur créativité !

Le but de ce cours est de faire découvrir l'improvisation théâtrale aux élèves dans un environnement rassurant et bienveillant. Chaque exercice est adapté aux besoins des élèves, permettant un vrai travail sur soi, tout en s'amusant beaucoup !

Les séances sont divisées en trois parties : un échauffement à base de jeux, quelques exercices spécifiques puis des improvisations en groupe.

À travers les différents jeux et exercices, les élèves apprendront donc les bases de l'impro tout en développant une "attitude d'improvisateur", c'est à dire par exemple : savoir écouter attentivement, apprendre à lâcher prise, s'exprimer avec confiance, pouvoir réagir rapidement.

Les exercices se déroulent dans un cadre sécurisé qui favorise la concentration, le plaisir et surtout... le droit à l'erreur ! L'année se terminera par un Cabaret d'impro où nous présenterons une variété de scènes improvisées et de jeux vus en cours, sans que rien ne soit répété par avance...En impro, rien n'est prédéfini, mais tout est possible !

C'est une aventure follement amusante à laquelle vous êtes tous invités à participer !

Une activité idéale pour apprendre à se connaître, développer ses capacités d'écoute et de d'inventivité, le tout dans un environnement sécurisant ! 

Qui, Quand et Oû?

Improvisation Show (French)


Welcome to this video of our Improv Cabaret, organized to celebrate the end of an exceptional year with the AES improvisation group.

A BIG THANK YOU to the middle school students who had the courage to take to the stage to present a show where nothing is prepared... but everything is possible!

Throughout the year, the students showed enormous positivity, enthusiasm and support for each other (despite differences in age and experience!).

I'm extremely proud of their progress and the fraternity they've shown! On stage, they were able to push your limits and demonstrate remarkable creativity. The improvisations were both spontaneous and full of listening, reflecting their determination to surpass themselves. But more than the performance, it was their exemplary attitude that stood out for me. They demonstrated unfailing solidarity and camaraderie, supporting their comrades with kindness and respect. This ability to work together is a true testament to the magic that the performing arts can work!

I'd also like to thank all those who have supported this project, from teachers and school staff to parents and friends. Your constant encouragement and unconditional support have helped bring this show to life! Well done to all and thank you for an exceptional year!

Full Show