
CP - CE1


3.35pm - 5.05pm

390 SG$ (Semester)

What's this about ?

Language: English

Skateboarding seeks to develop a student’s ability to build self-confidence, control and balance. 

Our goal is to promote skateboarding in a positive and healthy way! 

We do our best to provide an affordable, safe and fun learning experience geared towards the student’s own ability.

They will learn the history of skateboarding, the basics of skateboarding and the basics tricks. 

During the first lessons, students will learn :

During the semester, the students will learn the basics of Skateboarding

They will also learn Basic and Skateboarding Tricks  :

​For experience skateboarders will have a freestyle learning.
It will base on what the majority are keen to learn.
We will access their skills and customised the lessons accordingly.

Parents will be invited to the open house at the last session.

What equipment is required ?

Required outfit

All clothing and equipment should be marked with the name of your child.

Additional information

Two "Skateboard" boxes will be available at the 2900 canteen and the bus bay so that your child can leave his or her belongings when arriving in the morning. 

Please note that your child will have to leave with his/her belongings at the end of each session.

Who's the instructor ?
