Coding & Robotic Beginner

CE2 - CM1 - CM2


3.35pm - 5.05pm

390 SG$ (Semester)

What's this about ?

Language: French

Level: Beginner

Children who register should already have some basic knowledge of coding. 

Children will learn about programming and robotics: 

They will have the opportunity to develop their programming skills through the use of Scratch software and mBot robots. They will learn the basics of programming, including loops, conditions variables and functions, while exploring robotics with the mBot robots.

Children will have creative and interactive projects: 

They will have the chance to design and build their own creative and interactive their own creative and interactive projects. They will be able to create games, stories and art projects using Scratch and the mBot robots. These projects will allow children to practice their programming skills while fostering their creativity and active and active engagement.

Children will develop cross-curricular skills: 

This programming will encourage the development of cross-disciplinary skills. They will be encouraged to work in teams, solve problems, communicate their ideas and present their projects. They will also strengthen their ability to think logically, to make decisions based on specific conditions and develop their computational thinking.

This programme offers an enriching educational experience that combines programming, robotics and creativity, while developing essential skills for our children's future.

Parents will be invited to the open house at the last session.

Who's the instructor ?