
CP - CE1


3.35pm - 5.05pm

390 SG$ (Semester)

What's this about ?

Language: English

Capoeira is all about physical fitness and health, self-esteem and confidence, perseverance, focus and concentration, respect for others and FUN!

It is a Brazilian Martial Art and Art Form. It is a martial art hidden in music, dance, acrobatics and playfulness.

It is a fun way to stay in shape utilising acrobatic conditioning, dynamic stretching and mobility exercises.

Students will learn about the history, culture, language and music of Capoeira. 

They will learn basic defences, kicks, acrobatics and folklore dances.

Parents will be invited to the open house at the last session.

What equipment is required ?

Required outfit :

All clothing and equipment should be marked with the name of your child.

Who's the instructor ?