Music Workshop : Choir Discovery

CM1 - CM2


3.35pm - 5.05pm

0 SG$ (Annual)

What's this about ?

Language: English

Period: Annual

Conditions: Please note that if we see that your child is not taking part in the activity and does not want to get involved, we will unfortunately not be able to keep his/her registration and we will contact you. 

Singing in a choir at an early age helps develop self-esteem, studies have shown. 

Performing in front of people when the choir is fully prepared and confident imprints a powerful positive impression on the child.

This workshop is an opportunity for young singers to discover choral singing, to enrich their vocal and stage experience through a varied repertoire of songs. 

The children will learn the exercises and techniques to know how to sing well and improve their singing skills.

Once registered, the students will commit themselves to attending the workshop assiduously throughout the year and to participate actively in the concerts (about 4 concerts can be scheduled).

Parents will be invited to the concerts and to the open house at the last session. 

Who's the instructor ?