Coding & Robotic Beginner

CE2 - CM1 - CM2


12.45pm - 2.15pm

390 SG$ (Semester)

What's this about ?

Language: French

Level: Beginner

This ECA is an exciting introduction to programming and robotics. 

Students will use iPads, mBot robots and the Scratch Scratch software to explore the world of programming. 

In the first sessions, children will learn the basics of programming, using Scratch to program the mBots and teach them to move in a straight line and make turns. They will also gain a fundamental understanding of the key concepts of programming.

In the following sessions, the children will discover the mBot's sensors. They will learn how to programme the robot to follow a line drawn on the ground using the line sensor, and to react to different light conditions using the light sensor.

These activities will enable the students to develop their understanding of the interactions between and their environment, and to experiment with how robots can detect and respond to external stimuli.

The final sessions will focus on more advanced projects. Students will have the opportunity to design and create their own interactive games using Scratch. They will learn how to use variables to adjust robot parameters, such as speed and sensitivity, and create more complex movements. In addition, students will have the opportunity to develop their creativity by using the mBot to create artistic projects, such as drawing patterns on a sheet of paper. 

These activities will stimulate the children's imagination and encourage them to explore the different possibilities offered by programming and robotics.

Parents will be invited to the open house at the last session.

Who's the instructor ?