Italian Mother Tongue & Heritage Language

CP - CE1 - CE2 - CM1 - CM2


3.35pm - 5.05pm

780 SG$ (Annual)

What's this about ?

Language: Italian

Level: Mother Tongue 

Condition: open to native speakers only. 

Period: Annual

Children will be learning through games, role play, stories and songs.

They  will learn to read, write and communicate in Italian. 

Contemporary themes will be integrated into the class in order to engage and stimulate the students’ interest.

Focus is both on the development of written and oral language (with the consolidation of spelling notions and grammatical rules) and on the enrichment of lexical heritage through reading and comprehension activities of Italian authors such as Carlo Collodi, Elisabetta Dami, Dante Alighieri and Gianni Rodari.

Parents will be invited to the open house at the last session.

What equipment is required ?

Required material :

All materials should be marked with the name of your child.

Who's the instructor ?