A Pillar of Service

Written By: Alexis Mitchell

The National Honors Society at Homer-Center is getting a new advisor. Mrs. Courtney Scherf, the art teacher will be taking the lead. There are several academic requirements to be in the National Honor Society which are scholarship, leadership, service and character.

Scherf has been an advisor for National Honors Society before in another district and she said it was a “wonderful organization.” Scherf has plans to adjust Homer’s organization, “I implemented officer positions and would like to offer more service opportunities within the community. Service is an essential part of this organization, but I also believe it is such an amazing opportunity for students to be part of something impactful and meaningful in the community with hopes that desire to give back continues throughout their life.” Since she said that service was an essential part of the organization the question was raised ‘which of the pillars of the National Honor Society do you feel is the most important and why’ which she responded with, “They are all equally important because they all have their own merit and significance. The organization would not be what it was without the foundation of all four pillars working together.”

Scherf stressed the value of this organization to our school community, “The morals and ethics associated with the National Honor Society are characteristics that will be beneficial and have a positive impact, hopefully for life.” The National Honors Society has also joined up with two other clubs, Varsity and Interact club to help get those service hours in and help other clubs with projects they are getting accomplished.

The students in the National Honors Society are getting more involved in service projects and helping the community. Three projects the students have been working on for the homeless are blankets, wrapped boxes with the essentials that they need and sock monkeys or other donated stuffed animals. A National Honors Society member Kylie Myer said, "It allows [people in shelters] to see that the younger generation of people are willing to help and provide them with the things they need." Another service members participated in was volunteering for ICCAP. One that is going to happen here very soon is a blood drive through Vitalant Scherf says future plans include a project with the community garden, local agencies and maybe the elementary school.