Meet Mrs.Major

By: Kira Friedel

Even though we had to say goodbye to our dearly loved Mr.Butler, we are all ecstatic to meet this new face. Mrs.Major is the new math teacher, she teaches AP Calculus, PSSA Prep 8, Algebra 2, Algebra 2 Honors, Algebra 1, and Algebra 3. Not only is she a great teacher, she is also a friendly face that makes every student ready to learn. When asked about what she likes to do in her free time she said, “I really like spending time with my family and especially my daughter Laurel. Most of that time is spent outside doing fun activities.”

Her hobbies are spending time with family, hiking,biking,camping, playing guitar, and singing. So not only is she good at math, but she is also gifted at singing and playing guitar. Since she likes traveling to new places to go hike and bike we asked her what her favorite place was. She said, “ it would have to be the Adirondack Mountains in New York.”

Interviewer: “Dogs or Cats?”

Mrs.Major: “Dogs.”

Interviewer: “Pizza or Wings?”

Mrs.Major: “Pizza because my hands don’t get messy.”

She so far thinks that Homer’s staff and students are amazing. Not only that, but she is happy to be back home again. She has had past experiences of helping out with girls softball, so be on the lookout to see if she leads Homer’s Softball team to victory in the future.