January 2021: Trustworthiness

Welcome back! Before we start our lesson for this week about Trustworthiness, I want to talk about a man who fought for our civil rights. He became known as the leader in the movement to end racial segregation in the United States. His most famous address was the “I have a dream” speech. He became the youngest man to be awarded the Nobel peace Prize. Unfortunately in 1968, he was assassinated. After Martin Luther King died, a campaign started for his birthday to become a holiday to honor him. Martin Luther King Day is a federal holiday and it has a few long traditions. It is seen as a day to promote equal rights for all Americans, regardless of their background. Some schools mark the day by teaching their students about the work of Martin Luther King and the struggle against racial segregation and racism. In recent years it has also encouraged Americans to give some time on this day as volunteers in citizen action groups. This year it is celebrated on Monday January 18, 2021.

Before we begin, how do you feel about these things...

  • How do you feel when someone tells you a lie?

  • Do you consider yourself to be an honest person? Why?

  • If you tell a lie, does that make you a liar? How many lies do you get to tell before you are a liar?


  1. Be honest…

    • Don’t lie, cheat or steal

  2. Be reliable…

    • Keep your promises and follow through on your commitments

  3. Have the courage…

    • To do what is right, even when it seems difficult

  4. Be a good friend

    • And don’t betray a trust

Think about examples for each of the 4 specific trustworthiness behaviors. Write them down and see if these are some things that you do.

Activity #1: the boy who cried wolf.

Please listen to the story about a boy who continued to lie. See what happens when he asks for help.

Why does the boy shout “Wolf! Wolf!” the first time?

Why are the villagers angry with the boy?

Why do the villagers not believe the boy the third time he “Cries wolf”?

What do you think the boy learned by the end of the story?

Do you think it is okay to lie?

What is the best way to make sure people believe us all the time?

Activity #2: A chain of Trust

For our last activity, trustworthy involves being honest in the words we use and in the ways we act. Write one action you can do to demonstrate trustworthiness. ***Teachers**** please write down all ideas and explain that each act of trust helps build a strong chain. Also, dishonest acts can damage the chain of trust.