November 2020

Lesson Objectives

  1. Students will learn the difference between a trade school, a community college, and a public or private four year university.

  2. Students will take a career inventory assessment to explore their career interest.

  3. Students will learn about loans, scholarships, and grants.


  1. I know what the difference between a trade school, community college, and a four year university.

  2. I know what career I am interested to explore.

  3. I am aware about loans, scholarships, and grants.

Trade School, Community College, or a Four-Year University?

Grants, Scholarships, and Loans

What is the difference between Grants, Scholarships, and Loans?

Click on the video to the left to learn more!

Check out these Resources!

Check out these Resources!

Check out these Resources!

Career Assessment

Try one of these Career Assessments!

Take an assessment to find out more about your career interest!


  1. I know what the difference between a trade school, community college, and a four year university.

  2. I know what career I am interested to explore.

  3. I am aware about loans, scholarships, and grants.

Lesson Objectives

  • Students will understand the importance of Transgender Awareness Week.

  • Students will recognize the difference between gender, sex, and emotional/physical attraction.

  • Students will identify important transgender people in our country.

  • Students will list resources for transgender people.


  • What is Transgender Awareness Week and what event does it lead up to?

  • What is the difference between gender and sex?

  • Name one important transgender person who has made an impact on our country.

  • What is one resource transgender people can use when they need support?

What is Transgender Awareness Week?

Transgender Awareness Week is a week when transgender people and their allies take action to bring attention to the community by educating the public about who transgender people are, sharing stories and experiences, and advancing advocacy around the issues of prejudice, discrimination, and violence that affect the transgender community.

Transgender Awareness Week leads up to Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), which honors the memory of those murdered in acts of anti-transgender violence, is recognized every year on November 20. On this day, stories about the pervasive and persistent problem of violence committed against transgender people, as well as the diversity and resilience of the community in the face of harassment and violence are shared.

Understanding Gender, Sex, and Physical/Emotional Attraction

As you can see from the image of this unicorn, there is a difference between gender, sex, and physical/emotional attraction. While your sex is assigned to you at birth based on your biological makeup, you are able to choose your gender and the way you express your gender. You are also able to choose who you are physically and emotionally attracted to!

Reflection: Why is it important to know that there is a difference between gender, sex, and physical/emotional attraction?

I AM: Trans People Speak

I AM: Trans People Speak is a project to raise awareness about the diversity that exists within transgender communities. It gives a voice to transgender individuals, as well as their families, friends, and allies.

Here you will find one of the many videos of Trans People Speaking. You can find more here:

Notable Transgender People

Laverne Cox used the fame she earned through her role in the Netflix series, Orange is the New Black, to become an outspoken leader of the trans rights movement.

Kye Allums became the first openly transgender athlete in NCAA Division 1, the top level of college athletics, at George Washington University in 2010.

Patricio Manuel made history by becoming the first transgender boxer to compete in a professional fight - which he then won.

Lana Wachowski has co-written, produced and directed Hollywood blockbusters like the Matrix triology, V for Vendetta and Cloud Atlas.

Sarah McBride is the first trans state senator. “I hope tonight shows an LGBTQ kid that our democracy is big enough for them, too,” McBride, 30, who easily defeated the Republican Steve Washington to represent Delaware’s first state senate district.

Taylor Small was elected to the Vermont House of Representatives, where she will become the first openly transgender member of the state Legislature.

PLEASE NOTE: These are just a few notable transgender people. There are MANY, MANY more transgender people who have made an impact in our country!

Resources for Transgender People

  • The Trevor Project | | Trevor Lifeline: 866.488.7386

    • The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth.

  • GLBT national Help Center |

    • Providing free and confidential telephone and internet peer-counseling, information and local resources for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning callers throughout the United States.

  • Center Link |

    • The Community of LGBT (Lesbian, gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Centers exists to support the development of strong, sustainable LGBT community centers and to build a unified center movement.

  • Trans Suicide Prevention |

    • Information for transgender people, family, friends, and allies. Includes warning signs, do’s and don’ts, helpful tips, contact information, and myths and realities.

  • GLAAD |

    • The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) amplifies the voice of the LGBT community by empowering real people to share their stories, holding the media accountable for the words and images they present, and helping grassroots organizations communicate effectively. By ensuring that the stories of LGBT people are heard through the media, GLAAD promotes understanding, increases acceptance, and advances equality.


  • What is Transgender Awareness Week and what event does it lead up to?

  • What is the difference between gender and sex?

  • Name one important transgender person who has made an impact on our country.

  • What is one resource transgender people can use when they need support?

  • Why is it important to celebrate Transgender Awareness Week?