Earth Day

Lesson & Activity

How Can I Make A Difference?

Students will learn about Earth Day and how they can make a difference to support a healthy and happy world through a class discussion and closing activity.

Click on the image to be directed to the lesson plan.

Virtual Field-trips

Be delighted by the antics of our sea otters or mellow out to the hypnotic drifting of our jellies. Experience the wonder of the ocean no matter where you are.

National Geographic offers a 360-degree tour of the world's largest cave, situated in Quảng Bình Province, Vietnam. You can even hear the water as it runs over the rocks.

Career Focus

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Meet Forrest Galante, a wildlife biologist and host on Animal Planet who is passionate about protecting animals. Learn what you can do to make the world a better place for wildlife.

Click on the image to view the video!


Teachers can utilize this song as a brain break activity for students or as a transition.