Previous lessons for 3rd & 4th

Lesson # 1 - Think Before you Post!

Tell your parents about the story in English and Spanish.

Listen to the book! How would you like to be in the story?

Think Before You Post!!!

Lesson # 2 - Making Friends is an ART!

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • describe the characters in Making Friends is an Art

  • make connections between them and people they know

  • identify and describe the characteristics of being a good friend

  • show how good friends respond to difficult situations

After listening to the book, play the following game.

You can play by yourself or you can play with one of your brothers and sisters.

It's fun and it will help you to learn to make friends.

Making Friends Is An Art_Julia Cook_Friendship Lesson & School Counseling Game Show

Lesson # 3 - Managing Stress & Anxiety

Learning Objectives:

1. Students will be able to learn ways to relax.

2. Students will learn to stay healthy.

During this quarantine time, we need to care for ourselves and make sure we are staying safe, healthy and taking some time to learn about ourselves.

  1. Sleeping - it is recommended that this grade level get about 8 hours of sleep per night.

  2. Screen Time - this time should be limited to 1 hour at a time. It's not very healthy to spend long hours playing video games.

  3. Sitting for long hours - Get up and move a bit, take a walk outside or go in your back yard and play with brothers and sisters; a nice game of school, soccer or anything you think is fun. If the sun is out, spend some time enjoying the SUN!

  4. Being alone - try your best not to be alone for many hours. Talk to your parents, the other family in your home.

Then you can start by practicing the picture below. Try it, it will help you feel better.

How to be a Friend

Lesson # 4 - Self Care

The most important area of your life is your own care. How do u take care of you, your body and your life? Find ways that are positive, fun and that you enjoy. Find a hobby like Art, Music or Soccer.

What is a Hobby?

A hobby is something you like to do. You like to spend time doing like swimming, reading or playing a sport. Now that you have some time make a list of the things you like to do and pick one you really like and work on that activity. Below is a list of hobbies that you could review and try one or all of them out.

Lesson # 5 - Mindfulness

ACTIVITY # 1 - Because we live in a very fast life and we are doing and learning so many new things sometimes our bodies need to relax. Try to do one of these activities if you are feeling stressed or bored. Sometimes we need to unplug ourselves and do something different.

Activity # 2 - Sticking to a schedule This is the best thing you can do for yourself. Try and stay on a schedule that involves studying, playing and taking care of yourself.

Lesson # 6 - Anxiety and Worry

Hello Boys & Girls,

We hope you are doing well and not worrying too much about missing school. Sometimes we worry about many different things. Some things we can control and others we can not control. Watch Jack in the story and see what he does when he worries about performing at school.


Students will be able to....

  • learn that all people worry.

  • learns ways to help themselves when they are worried

  • use some of the ideas to help themselves to relax.

Activity # 1 - Watch both clips

Growing up is not easy. When we help each other we can learn about being KIND.

Friends are going to need help. When you know the signs you can help others.

Calm Down Tools for Older Kids

Lesson 7 - Helping Yourself

  • Students will show an understanding of individual health conditions and where to get help if needed.

  • Students will show personal responsibility by taking actions to improve their health, and the health of others.

  • Students will demonstrate increased self-awareness, confidence and communication skills.