

  1. Have you heard about the word resilience before? Yes No

  2. Have you heard about strategies? Yes No

  3. Do you give up easily? Yes No

  4. Do you practice until you become better at something? Yes No

For this week's topic we are going to talk about resilience!

Let's start with the definition: Resilience is the ability to cope when things go wrong.

Examples of resilience are:

  • Bouncing back after difficult times

  • dealing with challenges and still holding your head up

  • giving things a go and trying your best

  • being strong in the inside

  • being able to cope with what life throws at you and shrug it off

  • standing up for yourself.

Let's begin with a story that mostly everyone experiences. Pay close attention to our friend "Elmo" and his struggle to enter school on his own.

  1. What was Elmo excited about?

  2. Why was Elmo sad and nervous about?

  3. What did Dad do?

  4. What strategies (things they plan to solve the problem) did they learn together?

  5. What strategies will YOU try next time you are feeling nervous or scared?

Now let's see Resilience in action. Play close attention to the story "Resilience" by Jayneen Sanders

As the stories says there are many ways that we develop resilience. Here are a few tips.

If you need more help of how to develop resilience, talk to your school counselor and we will be able to help 😊