August 2020

Mindfulness is the practice of being present and being aware of your mind, body and feeling. It is about being connected with yourself and being fully present in your surroundings. So often, we get caught up with our day to day life, forgetting to take a deep breath or stretching our body because taking care of ourselves can seem like a mediocre task. In this lesson, we are going to share some Mindfulness practices and tips on how you can manage your everyday life.


  1. In this lesson, you will explore the different Mindfulness tips and practices.

  2. At the end of the lesson, you will be able to identify which Mindfulness tips and/or practices work best for you.

Why Practice Mindfulness?

  1. Achieve focus by improving your thought and concentration.
  2. Reduce stress by practicing mindfulness meditation to relax and stay calm.
  3. Improve your physical health through calmness, decreasing your chances of heart disease and high blood pressure.
  4. Improve your mental health by practicing mindfulness techniques.
  5. Strengthen Relationships by being aware of your own feelings and building compassion for yourself.


  1. Why is practicing mindfulness important?

  2. Describe how mindfulness can help someone.

  3. List one thing that you would like to work on by practicing mindfulness.

Mindfulness for Stress

Box Breathing

    1. Sit comfortably in a chair.
    2. Imagine the box shape and exhale. Start at the lower left corner of the box and inhale for four seconds as you move up the left side of the box.
    3. As you move along the top of the box, hold for four seconds.
    4. As you move along the right side of the box, exhale for four seconds.
    5. As you move along the bottom of the box, holdfor four seconds.
    6. When you arrive back at the beginning, repeat.

Nature Walks

    1. Go outdoor and talk a mindful nature walk.
    2. Conduct the nature walk without talking.
    3. Move at a calm pace and notice the sights, sounds, and textures in nature.
    4. With each mindful step, notice the ground beneath your feet.
    5. With each mindful breath and each mindful exhalation, notice the fresh air filling your lungs.
    6. Reflect on what stood out to you


    1. Think about a time when you have experienced moments of peaceful stillness.
    2. Consider a noisy time of the day when introducing stillness would help.
    3. Write a goal related to silence.
    4. Think of any obstacles that may get in the way, and what are some solutions to overcome those obstacles?

Mindfulness for Attention

Mindful Listening

    1. HALT — Halt on what you are doing and prepare to be fully present.
    2. ENJOY — Enjoy a calm breath as you are noticing what is being communicated to you.
    3. ASK — Ask yourself if you understand what they are saying.
    4. REFLECT — Reflect on what you just heard. This tells them that you were listening.

Mindful Walking

    1. Calmly rise from wherever you are sitting.
    2. Walk around the space you are in, (room, outside, etc…)
    3. Notice what you are doing with each step.
    4. Provide positive words as to walk calmly, carefully, gently, and thoughtfully.
    5. Watch each step you take.
    6. Then pause, take only one step, and freeze. Repeat this several times.
    7. Include a phrase, such as “Be mindful. Be gentle.”
    8. Mindfully pull out your chair and return to your seat.


    1. Think of a time when you can mindfully limit the use of technology at home.
    2. Challenge yourself to turn off all electronic devices for a set amount of time that stretches beyond your comfort zone.
    3. Write down your technology-use goals and the reasons behind your goals.
    4. Consider the obstacles you may encounter. What strategies can you think of to help you overcome?

Digital Mindfulness Meditation


This apps syncs your breathing and heart rate, helping you to feel less stress. (iOS only; free)


Color away to help you relax and stay calm! (iOS & Android; free)


This app includes guiding meditations that you can use whenever you want. (IOS. Android, Web; free)
Sources:Smookler, E. (2017, March 15). How to practice mindfulness listening. Mindful., M. (2019, June 8). 5 major reasons why you need to practice mindfulness. Thrive Global., J.M & Ruyle, M. (2017). Cultivating mindfulness in the classroom. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree.