April 2021

Teacher Appreciation Week 2021

Watch the video and answer the following questions:

  1. Who created National Teacher Day?

  2. When is National Teacher Day celebrated every year?

  3. Why are teachers important?


Think about a teacher who has made a great impact on your life. How was this individual helped you? What is the strongest lesson they taught you?


Send your teachers a quick email to let them know you appreciate all that they do for our students! Remember, quick and thoughtful email goes a long way!

Earth Day is Thursday, April 22, 2021

Earth Day is celebrated annually to protect the environment that we live in. Every year, people all over the world come together to make a difference by taking action.

Learning Objectives

  1. Students will learn what Earth Day is.

  2. Students will be able to apply an action by the end of the lesson.

  3. Students will identify ways to protect our environment.


  1. I know what Earth Day is about.

  2. I have volunteered at an event to protect the environment.

  3. I know ways to protect the environment.

History of Earth Day

Earth Day was founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson, from Wisconsin, and started as a "national teach-in on the environment." April 22nd was announced as Earth Day then, since then, millions of Americans took action to demonstrate against the impact of the evironment. Hence, it led to the Environment Protection Agency, creating many environmental laws.

Are you MAD? Take a pledge and Make A Difference!

Ways to Make A Difference!

  • Integrate art projects

  • Make sign for school and at home

  • Make a video or presentation, urging others to take action

  • Plant new plants/Grow a garden

  • Pick up trash around your school or neighborhoood

  • Host a drive to collect e-waste


  1. I know what Earth Day is about.

  2. I have volunteered at an event to protect the environment.

  3. I know ways to protect the environment.