September 2020


Lesson Objectives:

After this story, students will be able to do the following:

  • define responsibility and consequence

  • describe how responsibility affects their daily lives

Key Vocabulary: responsibiliy, consequence, cause and effect.

Pre/Post Test:

  1. Can you be responsible at your age?

  2. Do parents want to teach you responsibility?

  3. When you are not responsible, does it affect your life?

  4. Are all consequences a bad thing?

What is responsibility - the opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without authorization, "we would expect students younger that us lower down the to take on less responsibility"

Consequence: something that happens when you don't take action. Like if you don't brush your teeth, after a while they will fall out.

Reflect: Write about something that you have had to take responsibility for and when you thought about it, it was easy to blame someone else.

September is Hispanic Heritage Month

This is a period of time from 15 September to 15 October in the United States. It honors the contributions and influences of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States.

After this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Learn the countries where Hispanics come from

  • Describe some of the professions that Hispanics enter.

  • Enjoy some Hispanic music.

Pre/Post Test

  1. Being Hispanic means that your descendants are from Alaska? Yes No

  2. There are not many Hispanic people in our area? Yes No

  3. Hispanic people have become astronauts, dancers and musicians? Yes No

Listen to this video on "The Best Mariachi In The World"

Watch this video on Celia Cruz

Watch this video on the first NASA astronaut from Mexican migrant family