Do Breakouts With Padlet

Breakout links in Padlet

If your padlet has sections, you can send users a breakout link that provides access to only one section.

Send users into breakout rooms to complete small group work apart from the rest of the padlet.

Granite has premium Padlet licenses for staff.  Some staff user groups will find the Padlet link in their Granite Bookmarks. You can also access it by visiting:

Breakout links are a unique way to share your padlet. Using these specialized links you can send out specific sections without revealing the entire padlet to others! Group projects have never been easier! All members of a group work together without ideas from other groups swaying their thoughts. Of course, there are many different use cases for this but you get the idea. 

Using breakout links

Follow these steps to use breakout links with no problem:

Breakout links are a function of Sections. A format with sections will be needed for Breakout links to be enabled. 

Disabling breakout links

You've enabled breakout links but no longer want to use them. How do you turn them off?

We recommend changing the 'Visitor Permissions' settings from your Share menu. Depending on the setting you choose, it will restrict the ability to add posts through your Breakout links.

If you'd still like some users to post on the padlet with your links, you can add those people as collaborators by following the steps in this article: Add collaborators to your padlet.