How Can Technology Work as a Behavior Support?

This month, we take a closer look at how technology can work as a support for behavior in the classroom.

Five Foundational Teaching Skills Are

When students are authentically engaged, there are fewer issues with behavior. 


What are some of the technology tools available to help with procedures and engagement?

Class Dojo connects teachers with students and parents to build amazing classroom communities

View Student Chromebook screens
Use Web Limiting to keep students focused and on task
Send out URLs for easier navigation to websites
Freeze screens and send messages

Students in Granite School District have LanSchool on district student Chromebooks. Teachers will find their Teacher LanSchool icon (like the one in the logo) in the bottom right system tray of their computers. Your school's STS or LMETS can help you get set up and working with LanSchool. 

Learn Together

Simple, free video discussions to make learning fun, fulfilling, and empowering.

Real-time insights into student understanding through interactive lessons, interactive videos, gamification, and activities — all in a single platform.

Teachers in Granite School District have a premium plus account in Nearpod. Use your email and password to sign into Nearpod. 

Student Procedures With Technology/Consistency

Help students to be good digital citizens using some of these district resources.

Review the district's Student Technology Agreement with students to help them understand their responsibilities with district technology.

Having classroom and schoolwide procedures for technology use helps support student behavior. Consistency with procedures is key. What are some possible procedures to have in place? Grade level teams and school committees can help determine what procedures will support positive student behaviors with technology use.


How can technology be used for proximity in a classroom?

Some district classrooms are equipped with teacher laptops and screen beams where teachers can be mobile in the classrooms using their laptop in tablet mode as they project by connecting to the screen beam. If you have this technology in your classroom and would like more training on how to use them, please talk to your school's STS or LMETS. 

Other classrooms in the district are equipped with a teacher laptop and an interactive LCD board such as a Box Light or View Board. Teachers can be mobile in the classroom with this equipment by connecting their laptop to the interactive board via an app like Unplugged.

*Some classroom equipment is updated through a refreshment schedule and other equipment updates are a site based decision on how to allocate funds.