Comic Strips For the Classroom: Create Comic Strips in Canva

Why use comic strips?

Children love stories, illustrations and bright colors and most of all we love being entertained. Comic strips are a super easy-to-use medium that provide an opportunity to tick all these boxes. And they have a way of sticking in our memory long after we view them.

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GSD staff and students have access to the premium version of Canva. 

The Canva app can be found in Clever.

Learn more here about creating comic strips using Canva and how they can be used in education.

Why use comic strips?

Children love stories, illustrations and bright colors and most of all we love being entertained. Comic strips are a super easy-to-use medium that provide an opportunity to tick all these boxes. And they have a way of sticking in our memory long after we view them.

How to capture and keep kids’ attention

There’s something magical about comic strips. They have a way of sparking intrigue, excitement and drawing you into a story, even a lesson.

It’s no wonder then that they’re such a fantastic interactive educational tool.

Why are comic strips such a great educational tool?

You can create comic strips to illustrate a point or a concept for your class. They are a brilliant way to convey complex ideas, scenarios or even situations.

As an educational tool, the real beauty of comic strips is empowering children to create their own.

And with Canva, it’s easy for everyone. When you’re teaching your children a new concept, ask them to create a comic to show their understanding.

This simple and super fun task deepens their comprehension, and clearly shows if someone needs additional help, as they effectively have to digest and then re-share the information they’ve learned.

And we know that strengthens their understanding of the subject matter. The best part? At the end of the task, they have a comic they’ll be proud to show and share.