Nearpodize Your Lessons!

Nearpod is currently available for all Granite School District teachers. Check with the STS or LMETS at your school to help you get logged in and started with using it in your classroom. Most of them have been trained on this platform. 

Some features of Nearpod include:

There are over 7,000 standards aligned lessons already available in Nearpod.

Nearpod lessons can be teacher or student paced. Students join easily with a code. They also have a bookmark in their bookmarks on the Chromebooks to make accessing Nearpod simple. 

Most Teachers will login with the Office365 button using their credentials. If your school had purchased Nearpod previously, the login may be different. Please check with your STS or LMETS if you have questions.

More Nearpod Resources:

Video: What is Nearpod

Access Nearpod Teacher Resources here to learn more. The resources include video tutorials, webinars and a teacher help center.