Highlights From the First Virtual Teacher Tech Meet

Highlights from the First GSD Tech Meet, April 21, 2020

Highlight Authored by Josh Whiting - April 2020

Over 100 Granite educators joined us for our first GSD Tech Meet, a live virtual meeting for teachers held in Google Meet on Tuesday, April 21, 2020. The meet was facilitated by Kacie O’Maley, School Technology Specialist at Upland Terrace Elementary and an incoming Team Leader for our department next year. In this first session, Kacie introduced the meet as a collaborative space for teachers to connect and share with one another, putting forth discussion questions that encouraged participants to share successes, ideas, and solutions they have developed during the distance learning period.

The chat was brisk and positive, with participants sharing many great ideas. Unfortunately, in a technical failure that demonstrates the complications of distance learning for students and teachers, the session was not successfully recorded. In lieu of that recording we are providing the session slides and highlights from the discussion below.

Presentation Slides

Discussion Highlights and Summaries

Q1: What is something positive that has happened in your class over the past month of distance teaching?

Q2: What tool or program has made your job easier when teaching from a distance?

Q3: What is one tip you have for other teachers related to distance teaching? What has been a lifesaver for you?

Answers included: 

Q4: Which types of learning are you using and how is it working for you? Asynchronous? Synchronous? Blend of both?

Q5: What are your biggest hurdles right now with distance teaching? 

Participants mentioned these ongoing challenges and goals: 


Past and future meet participants are encouraged to provide feedback that will inform topics and formats for future sessions. 

Our next GSD Tech Meet will be on Tuesday, May 5th at 11 A.M. The discussion will focus on providing student choice and personalization during distance learning .

To join: