Two New Features In Padlet: Polls and the "I Can't Draw" AI Tool

District staff have access to the full feature Padlet application. Teachers can access Padlet through the Granite Bookmarks when you are fully signed into your district Google account or check it out here

Get the whole class collaborating and interacting with all these great features  shown above.  Two new features in Padlet are Polls and the "I can't draw" tool.  Let's take a look at what you can do with both of those.

A class poll is quick to create in Padlet starting with a template like the one on the left. 

Publish the Poll and students can start voting.

Votes with percentages show in real time on the padlet.

Close the poll when you're done and export it as a CSV if you'd like to. 

In a Padlet, students can have AI help them draw what they're wanting to depict in a picture.