17 April 2020

I thought many of you would be missing dim sum but surprisingly only 2R Frances had this request.

Talking about dim sum, I have to say it's never easy. I tried to make Har Gow last summer. A few students witnessed how I tested with different recipes in the Food Science room. After thousands of failures, I finally got one which was close to the ones we had in Chinese restaurants. Of course I did not add in MSG. That's why it is blissful to make such a tricky dish at home.

I also realised that in terms of the way it is made (but not the way it is eaten), dim sum is a type of fine dining food. And among all, Siu Mai is one of the representatives. It is basically an "open" wonton. Sounds easy, isn't it? It is cheap, too. You may get 20-30 pieces of wonton skins with only $2 from shops which sell fresh noodles in wet markets. All ingredients for 20 Siu Mai cost roughly about $45. Imagine you have 4 pieces in one bamboo steamer. How much does each portion need? Only $9!!!!! Amazing, right?!

Cooking for ourselves needs a little bit more time but we get wealth and health as a bonus. Who doesn't like that?


Prepare the stuffing

Wrap the Siu Mai

Steam and Serve with some Greens