Welcome to LTP Home Dining!

Tired of the snacks in your cupboard? Want to cook a nice meal for someone? Want to be healthier without a strict diet?

Then you've come to the right place.

Here you will find plenty of meal ideas recommended by our Food Science Teacher. Let's start our journey to be smart eaters.

What's New

Carrot Mantou

23 August 2020

Apart from a piece of plain dough, what else would you think of when you were eating Mantou? Have you ever asked why it is called 饅頭? It took me a few minutes to learn its history online. Do a quick research! You will be amazed by the story and you will surely think of 諸葛亮 every time you eat steamed buns.


Students' Orders

See what LTP students want to cook at home.

Teacher's Specials

Miss Yip's cooking practice for special occasions.

Food for Thought

(Coming soon)

This Week's Recommendations

Ms. Yip has been doing a lot of cookery demos. What about her students?

This week we have a new page collecting students' work done at home. Apart from cooking practice, they also show their understanding by doing case studies, writing summaries, designing recipes, menus and so much more. Let's take a peek at their work in our new gallery.