The Unseen Grant Morrison - The White Tree Fantasy Book Trivia Quiz

Post date: Apr 06, 2014 1:46:49 PM

A little while back a couple of issues of Grant Morrison's school fanzine The White Tree came up on eBay. My meagre resources weren't up to the job of winning the auctions and the two together netted the seller a tidy sum of nearly £500. Fortunately, ewan_b (who seems to have acquired an endless supply of the most amazingly obscure comics flotsam over the years) was kind enough to send me some photos of the mags and, reproduced below for your edification, is The White Tree Fantasy Book Trivia Quiz, a rock hard sword and sorcery quiz penned in 1976 by the then-16 year old Grant Morrison.

I initially thought to run this as some sort of contest but to be honest I don't know any of the answers and didn't fancy powering through an intimidating stack of 70's elves 'n' dragons books to find out, so it's all Just For Fun, and a fascinating insight into the books that helped shape the young Morrison mind. I've done my best to transcribe the quiz below, but the photos aren't perfect and some of the spellings on the more fanciful names might be a bit off. Enjoy!


1) What was/were the name(s) of:-

a) Theoden's sword?

b) Pippin's father?

c) The Two Trees of Valinor?

d) Gil-Galad's spear?

e) The first three elves that the Fellowship met in Lothlorien?

2) Give six other names given to, or taken by, Aragorn.

3) What was the elvish name for Shalob's Lair?

4) Of whom was Shalob 'the last child'?

5) Give both the elvish and Westron names of the Ent into whose charge Treebeard delivered Merry and Pippin

6) How many leagues did Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli travel from Tol Brandir until they met the Riders of Rohan?

7) Name the three elven rings forged by Celebrimbor for Sauron.

8) Who was Damrod?

9) Of whom was Shadowfax the last descendant and what was unique about this ancestor?

10) Give the four other names of Gandalf that Faramir mentioned?

11) On what date did the Dawnless Day fall?

12) Name six people who sailed from the Grey Havens after the War of the Ring.


1) What were the names of the three demons that the Horrigan summoned in St Mary's Clyffe?

2) What were the names of Durathor and Fenodyree's swords?

3) Give the names of four of the Horsemen of Donn.

4) How many stones stood on the Mound of Vanwy?

5) What were the names of the four castles of Elidor?


1) What alias did the Black Rider use?

2) In what order did Will Stanton find the six Signs?

3) By what name was the Lady of the Sea known?


1) What was the name of Arawn's kingdom?

2) Give the names of the three enchantresses of the Marshes of Morva.

3) In what was the power of Caer Colur contained?


1) What work did Conan's father do?

2) What was the name of the ship in 'The Pool of the Black One'

3) In what story did Bran Mak Morn meet King Kull

4) What was the name of the greatest serpent in 'The Valley of the Worm'

5) Who did Conan battle in 'The Devil in Iron'


1) What was the name of the six rabbits who left the Sandleford warren?

2) What animal attacked Hansel on his second visit to Nuthangar Farm?

3) What was the name of El-Ahrairah's friend and companion?

4) What name was Kelderek known by during his stay in Bekla as priest-king?


1) Who was the first representative of the Unclean that Hiero encountered?

2) What was represented by the sign of the Cross and the Eye?

3) What was the name of the book found by Luchare?


1) Give the names of the twelve identities of the Eternal Champion.

2) Who was the owner of The Castle Built of Blood?

3) In which story did Elric fight the demon Quaolnarga?

4) What did the wizard Calatin ask Corum to bring him from Hy-Braesail and what was exchanged for this?

5) How was Corum killed?

6) What were the names of the swords of :-

a) Elric

b) Erekose

c) Corum

d) Ilbrec ?

7) Name five people who were killed at the battle of Londra.

8) Give four of Elvereza Tozer's plays.

9) How many gates did Rackhir the Red Archer pass through to reach the domain of the Grey Lords, what world was past the Fourth Gate and who did he and Ianmar meet there?

10) In which story did Elric first meet Moonglum?

11) Who fashioned Hawkmoon's Black Jewel and who destroyed its power for a time?


1) In Joy Chant's 'Red Moon and Black Mountain', what was the name of Vanh the Hunter's horse?

2) In Ursula Le Guin's 'Wizard of Earthsea' trilogy, what were the true names of Vetch and Prince Arren?

3) In Poul Anderson's 'The Broken Sword', who gave Skafloe the warning of his doom?

4) Who did Airar marry in Fletcher Pratt's 'Well of the Unicorn'?

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