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Deep Space Transmissions
Grant Morrison - Annotated Comics Bibliography
"...before blowing him with a bomb."
"He's Quick on the Draw - That's Grant" - The Govan Press November 12th 1976
"Let me see your papers" - The Further Adventures of 'The New Adventures of Hitler'
"Nodding and smiling and pretending to get it" - An Interview with Tom Peyer
"We're looking for people who like to draw..."
...Unless I woke up in Russia this morning
A Load of Old Drivel - Speakeasy #101
A Load of Old Drivel - Speakeasy #102
A Load of Old Drivel - Speakeasy #103
A Load of Old Drivel - Speakeasy #104
A Load of Old Drivel - Speakeasy #105
A Load of Old Drivel - Speakeasy #108
A Load of Old Drivel - Speakeasy #111
A Load of Old Drivel - Speakeasy #116
A Load of Old Drivel - Speakeasy #119
A Multitude of Morrison - Morrisoncon and Dundee Comics Day
Across The Universe (B)
Aliens versus Predators
All I Want For Christmas is Leviathan Strikes
An Interview with Andrew Hickey
Andrew Hickey's Seven Soldiers book as it happens
Annotation's what you need...
Another Morrison book released soon... in French
Awesome Almanac - A Journey Through The Multiversity Guidebook - Part 1
Awesome Almanac - A Journey Through The Multiversity Guidebook - Part 2
Awesome Almanac - The Multiversity Guidebook - Part 3
Bank Holiday Batmannotation Bonanza - Batman Incorporated #8 Annotations
Batman and Robin #7 Ready Reader
Batman Incorporated #0 Annotations
Batman Incorporated #4 Annotations
Batman Incorporated #5 Annotations!
Batman Incorporated #5 hits 27th April
Batman Incorporated #6 Annotations
Batman Incorporated #6 preview
Batman Incorporated v2 #1 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #2 - Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #3 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #6 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #7 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #8 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #9 Annotations
Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes! #1 Annotations
Big Clix Energy - Grant Morrison HeroClix - Part 1
Brave New World - Morrison & Robertson announce Happy at Image Expo
Burnham Down The House
Bury My Heart at Iron Knee - Batman Incorporated #7 Annotations
Clyde and Seek - The Annotated Captain Clyde Part One
Come to Daddy
Counting Down to The Multiversity
Crisis on Memory Lane - The Supermen of the Multiverse
Cut Carefully and Play Loud
DC Comics line-wide relaunch announced... Internet panics...
DC Publishes Grant Morrison's Pitch For 'The Green Lantern'
December Double-Down Supermannotations! Action Comics #3 and #4 Annotated!
Delays-y Monday Afternoon
Double Drivel - Speakeasy #106 & #107
Double Drivel - Speakeasy #109 & #110
Double Drivel - Speakeasy #112 & #113
Double Drivel - Speakeasy #114 & #115
Double Drivel - Speakeasy #117 & #118
Dress The Dandy Dad! - The Invisibles - Style Terror Dress To Kill
Finally... Action Comics #1
First batch of annotations up
Flex Mentall-Oh No It Isn't
Fresh from the Lazarus Pit...
Going Rogue - Grant Morrison to write new Rogue Trooper movie
Grumble In The Jungle
Handle Them With Chip Kidd Gloves
Hey! You've Got To Clyde Your Love Away - The Annotated Captain Clyde Part Two
IllogicalVolume's Filth and the Fury
Inactivity Anniversary
Incorporated, Annotated
Is This A Page From Grant Morrison's 'Hypercrisis' pitch?
It Was The 90's - Grant Morrison in Select Magazine
Its out-of-continuity for Morrison's Wonder Woman
Jar Jar Links
Jim Shooter is the enemy of all mankind
Krark-aeology - Grant Morrison's Zoids
Let's See Action - Grant Morrison's plans for the big 'S'
Masters of the Universe (B)
McGuigan, Morrison and Fry at the BBC...
More Meat for the Meat-Eaters - Links for Friday
More Talk, More Action
Morrison and Millar - Who Wrote What?
Morrison helps to Illuminate Parkinson's
Multiversity Challenge
Nancy Sinatoro
Navel Gazing
New God Flow - Navigating The Multiversity Map Part 3
New interview at
New interviews, Batman Redrawn
New Italian Morrison book - Grant Morrison: All Star
New Supergods cover at DC's Source blog
News from the Future
Old News; or Everything I Know About Writing I Learned from Bullpen Bulletins
Promoerotic - JLA
Sir Links-A-Lot
Slamming the Wasps from the Pure Apple of Truth...
Son of "A Load of Old Drivel" - Tripwire #3
Speak and Spell - 'The Con'
Speak and Spell - Old Fox Dreaming, Sydney Graphic Fetival 2013
Supergods - A Review
Superluminal Cartography - Navigating The Multiversity Map Part 2
Superman 2000 - The Greatest Superman Story Never Told
Supermannotations - Action Comics #1 Annotations
Supermannotations - Action Comics #5 Annotated
Supermannotations! - Action Comics #2 Annotations
Supermannotations! - Action Comics #6 Annotated
Supermannotations! - Action Comics #7 Annotated
The (In)Complete Zenith - A Review
The Beginning of the End - Batman Incorporated v2 #5 Annotations
The Best Grant Morrison Comic of 2018, 'Nuff Said
The Green Lantern #1 Annotations
The Green Lantern #2 Annotations
The Green Lantern #3 and #4 Annotations
The Links Effect
The Long and Winding Road - Grant Morrison's 18 Days
The Map Is The Territory - Navigating The Multiversity Map
The Multiversity #1 Annotations
The Multiversity Guidebook #1 Annotations
The Multiversity: The Just #1 Annotations
The Multiversity: The Society of Super-Heroes #1 Annotations
The Savage Sword of Grant Morrison - Pat Kane vs. The New Adventures of Hitler
The Unseen Grant Morrison - A Fantastic Adventure with Johnny O'Hara
The Unseen Grant Morrison - Born Again Punk
The Unseen Grant Morrison - Dominion: Better Living Through Science
The Unseen Grant Morrison - Don Alfonso "I Like To Dress Up and Two-Time Myself!"
The Unseen Grant Morrison - Don't Look Down (STV 1994)
The Unseen Grant Morrison - Gideon Stargrave in... Famine
The Unseen Grant Morrison - How To Become A Werewolf
The Unseen Grant Morrison - Intensive Care
The Unseen Grant Morrison - Juliet 4 Romeo
The Unseen Grant Morrison - Luther Arkwright pinup
The Unseen Grant Morrison - Morrison draws Moore
The Unseen Grant Morrison - The Girl In The Picture
The Unseen Grant Morrison - The Legion of the Strange
The Unseen Grant Morrison - The Life and Death (and Life and Death) of Captain Clyde
The Unseen Grant Morrison - The Mightiest Boy In The Universe Meets A Dead Man Walking
The Unseen Grant Morrison - The White Tree Fantasy Book Trivia Quiz
The Unseen Grant Morrison - UKCAC 1988 Programme - Heartbreak Hotel jam session
The Unseen Grant Morrison: The ARK Reviews
To everything an end... and a twelve issue epic finale new beginning...
What I Did On My Holidays - Grant Morrison at the Edinburgh Book Festival 2012
Action Comics
Action Comics #1 Annotations
Action Comics #2 Annotations
Action Comics #3 Annotations
Action Comics #4 Annotations
Action Comics #5 Annotations
Action Comics #6 Annotations
Action Comics #7 Annotations
Action Comics #8 Annotations
Action Comics #9 Annotations
Batman Incorporated
Batman Incorporated #1 Annotations
Batman Incorporated #2 Annotations
Batman Incorporated #3 Annotations
Batman Incorporated #4 Annotations
Batman Incorporated #5 Annotations
Batman Incorporated #6 Annotations
Batman Incorporated #7 Annotations
Batman Incorporated #8 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #0 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #1 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #10 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #11 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #12 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #13 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #2 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #3 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #4 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #5 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #6 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #7 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #8 Annotations
Batman Incorporated v2 #9 Annotations
Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes! #1 Annotations
Captain Clyde Annotations - Part 1
Captain Clyde Annotations - Part 2
Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt #1 Annotations
DC Comics
Vertigo Index
Wildstorm - The Authority & WildCATs
Authority - The Lost Year
Authority v1 28
The Authority 1
The Authority 2
WILDCATS #1 Annotations
WildCATs 2
Final Crisis
DC Universe #0 Annotations
Final Crisis #1 Annotations
Final Crisis #2 Annotations
Final Crisis #3 Annotations
Final Crisis #4 Annotations
Final Crisis #5 Annotations
Final Crisis #6 Annotations
Final Crisis #7 Annotations
Final Crisis: Submit Annotations
JLA #5 Annotations
Marvel Comics Annotations
Marvel Knights Double Shot #2 Annotations
New X-Men
New X-Men #114 Annotations
New X-Men #115 Annotations
New X-Men #116 Annotations
New X-Men #117 Annotations
New X-Men #118 Annotations
New X-Men #119 Annotations
The Green Lantern
The Green Lantern #1 Annotations
The Green Lantern #2 Annotations
The Green Lantern #3 Annotations
The Green Lantern #4 Annotations
The Multiversity
The Multiversity #1 Annotations
The Multiversity Guidebook #1 Annotations
The Multiversity: Pax Americana #1 Annotations
The Multiversity: Society of Superheroes #1 Annotations
The Multiversity: The Just #1 Annotations
The Multiversity: Thunderworld Adventures #1 Annotations
UK Comics
Judge Dredd - Book of the Dead Annotations
US Independents
Grant Morrison - Foreign Reprint Bibliography
Dutch / Nederlandse
German / Deutsch
Italian / Italiano
Swedish / Svenska
Grant Morrison - Non-Comics Bibliography
A World of Miraculous Transformations
Animal Man
Batman - The Black Casebook
It's A Bird...
Jack Kirby's Fourth World Omnibus Vol 1
Justice League: A Midsummer's Nightmare
Metal Sushi
Modern Masters: Bruce Timm
Prime Chaos
The Authority - Relentless
The Filth - Introduction
The Flash - Born To Run
The Greatest Cape - GQ Style, Autumn 2007
Traveling Soapbox - Overstreet's Fan 23
True Faith - Introduction
Umbrella Academy
Unbuilding Malaparte - An Auto-Destructive Text
Vignette Comics, !Gag! & A Tale From Gimbley - Reviews from Ark #25, November 1988
Zenith Book One - Tygers Introduction
Zenith Book Three: The Hollow Land Part Two Introduction
Zenith Book Two: The Hollow Land Part One Introduction
Zenith Phase One - Titan, 2001
After-Image #6 - January 1988
Arkensword #23 - January 1988
Bombs Away, Batman! #1 - 1983
CUT - February 1989
CUT - June 1989
FA #109 - 1989
Fusion #7 - October 1985
HEARTBREAK HOTEL #6 - Wild Thing! November 1988
I-D #65 - The Comic Rat Pack December 1988-January 1989
NME - Reiching Havoc September 1989
SPEAKEASY #100 - Grant Morrison in Fascist Controversy July 1989
Speakeasy #76 - July 1987
Speakeasy #93 - December 1988
SPEAKEASY #94 - Top 10 Comics of 1988 January 1989
The Govan Press - 12 November 1976
?? - 13 February 1998
Amazing Heroes #176 - February 1990
Apocalypse Soon - 1999
ARK #32 - May 1990
Blackout #2 - September 1990
COMIC BUYERS GUIDE #1075 - The Invisibles June 1994 Peter K. Hogan
Comic World 18 - August 1993
Comic World 31 - September 1994
Comic World 40 - June 1995
Comic World 8 - October 1992
COMICS FORUM #8 - Skrull Kill Krew Summer 1995
Comics Scene #12 - April 1990
Comics Scene #28 - August 1992
Comiquando #24 - Reportages: Grant Morrison
DIRECT CURRENTS #31 - People at Work: Grant Morrison September 1990
DuckFat - 8 December 1999
Exuberance #5 - 1992
Fantazia #8 - January 1991
Fear #15 - March 1990
FHM #100 - I Could Do That: Comic Book Writer May 1998
Hero Illustrated #23 - May 1995
Hero Illustrated #9 - March 1994
HEROES - 8th October 1999 - 23 June 1997
Mania - 16 May 1997
Mania - 26 March 1999
MELODY MAKER - People Are Strange October 1993
Mondo 2000 #11 - 1993
Newsarama - 15 October 1999
Next Planet Over - 25 November 1999
NME - Bizarre Ink December 1993
Overstreet's Fan #14 - The World's Greatest Heroes August 1996
OVERSTREET'S FAN #17 - Untold Tales: Grant Morrison & Mark Millar’s Marvel Tales: Apocalypse November 1996
Overstreet's Fan #18 - December 1996
Riot Magazine #0 - Twenty First Century Boy August 1997
RIOT MAGAZINE #0 - Where The Wild Things Are August 1997
Scotland On Sunday Magazine - 21 April 1991
SELECT - Comics Auteur August 1993
SFX #21 - January 1997
SMASH - 1997
Speakeasy Magazine #109 - May 1990
SPEAKEASY MAGAZINE #115 - November1990
SPEAKEASY MAGAZINE #120 - You Handsome Devil, March 1991
Strange Fruit #1 - March 1990
Submedia #1 - 17 April 1999
Superman Homepage - 15 December 1999
THE COMICS JOURNAL #176 - Grant Morrison April 1995
THE COMICS JOURNAL #218 - Back from the Dead December 1999
The Herald - The Darkest Colour of All, 7 May 1994
THE HERALD - Why Fortune Favours The Bloody Minded December 1994
THE LIST - Invisible Yearnings August 1994
THE LIST - Made in Scotland from Thrill Power July 1993
THE LIST - Millennium Madness February 1998
THE SUNDAY TIMES - Comic Genius Gets Serious August 1999
TIME OUT #1249 - Hotshots - The Invisibles August 1994
Tripwire - February 1994
Tripwire - September 1994
TRIPWIRE - The Invisble Man Part Two - December 1994
TRIPWIRE - The Invisible Man Part One - September 1994
TRIPWIRE v2 #6 - One Million Dollar Man August 1998
Vampirella Preview - October 1997
VAMPIRELLA'S SCARLET LETTERS #8 - Interview with Grant Morrison 1997
VERTIGO RAVE - Vertigo Voices September 1994
WIZARD MAGAZINE #46 - You Are What You Eat June 1995
Wizard Magazine #59 - July 1996
WIZARD MAGAZINE #63 - The Wizard Q&A - Grant Morrison November 1996
WIZARD MAGAZINE #63 - The Wizard Q&A - Grant Morrison November 1996
WIZARD MAGAZINE #82 - Under Pressure June 1998 Matthew Brady
WIZARD MAGAZINE #92 - Invisible Man April 1999
WIZARD MAGAZINE #98 - First Look: JLA: Earth 2 October 1999
WIZARD SPECIAL EDITION: JLA MAGAZINE Various interviews February 1997
WIZARD SPECIAL EDITION: JLA MAGAZINE - Killer Instinct November 1998
XStatic #1 - May 1992
2000-2005 - Intervista
Comics Bulletin - The Final Draft
Daily Herald - New Spin on the Superhero
FLUX Magazine #35 - May 2003
GLASGOW EVENING TIMES - X-Men of Glasgow are set to change the Comic World 11 May 2001
LA Citybeat - Grant Morrison is the Devil
Newsarama - Grant Morri-X-on Speaks!
Newsarama - Grant Morrison on Animal Man
Newsarama - Grant Morrison Talks Filth
OPI8 - The Scottish Connection Part 2: Grant Morrison
PREVIEWS - Mavel Spotlight: New X-Men March 2001
Sunday Herald - The Magical Approach To Making it in Hollywood
The Dallas Observer - Dr. Strange
THE LIST #420 - The Invisibles Man 24 May 2001 Henry Northmore
Wizard #147 - Preview: New X-Men #151
Wizard #153 - Summer Preview 2004: Grant Morrison
Wizard #162 - The All-Star Superman Q & A
Wizard #168 - Wizard Preview: All-Star Superman #1
WIZARD MAGAZINE #170 - Wizard All-Access - Grant Morrison December 2005
Zero Magazine #1 - The Invisible Kingdom
ANTENNAE #9 - Grant Morrison: We3
Comic Heroes #3 - The Storyteller
Glasgow Herald Magazine - The Secret Heroes
Godshead #1 - God's Invisible Head
Jack Kirby Collector #49 - Granted an Audience
KIRBY FIVE-OH - 50 People Influenced by Kirby
NASHUA TELEGRAPH - Bruce Wayne Goes Darkly Into The Night
Newsarama - All Star Superman and Much, Much More!
Time Out Dubai - Bat's Man
Wizard #145 - Grant Morrison Q&A
Wizard #176 - Summer Preview: Batman #655
Wizard #194 - Grant Morrison and Neal Adams in Conversation
Wizard Magazine #212 - Up Close: Grant Morrison
Wizard Universe - 20 November 2006
Wizard Universe - Animal Attraction
Wizard Universe - Grant Morrison's Batman
Wizard Universe - Summer Preview: Batman
2011 - Present
"Nodding and smiling and pretending to get it" - An Interview with Tom Peyer
Wants list
Awesome Almanac - A Journey Through The Multiversity Guidebook - Part 2
Awesome Almanac - A Journey Through The Multiversity Guidebook - Part 3
Awesome Almanac - A Journey Through The Multiversity Guidebook Part 1
Big Clix Energy - Grant Morrison Heroclix Part 1
Gallery: The Russian Federation
Interview: Andrew Hickey
Multiversity Challenge
New God Flow - Navigating the Multiversity Map Part 3
Review: Supergods
Speak and Spell - 'The Con'
Speak and Spell - Old Fox Dreaming, Sydney Graphic Festival 2013
Superluminal Cartography - Navigating the Multiversity Map Part 2
Superman 2000 Proposal
The (In)Complete Zenith - A Review
The Map Is The Territory - Navigating Grant Morrison's Multiversity Map
WildCATs Proposal
"...And Ten Bensons" - Grant Morrison comics in UK Newsagents
Universe B - The Unpublished Grant Morrison
The Unpublished Grant Morrison - Creator Owned Titles
The Unpublished Grant Morrison - DC Comics
The Unpublished Grant Morrison - Marvel Comics
The Unpublished Grant Morrison - Movies, TV, Games
The Unpublished Grant Morrison - UK Titles
Deep Space Transmissions
Riot Magazine #0 - Twenty First Century Boy August 1997
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